Oil, Commercial and Industrial services


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Where we build your visions

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Call Us Today: 91 123-456-7890,91 123-456-7891


Radley Electric offers a range of services for your company’s needs including:

Oilfield Services

Installation & maintenance of electrical & mechanical equipment associated with all aspects of oil production, transportation & refining.

E&I Services

Our E&I Division regularly contracts at area refining & gas processing facilities, installing instrumentation & automation systems.

Products & Sales

We have the best pricing for electric motors, belts, pulley’s and automation equipment.

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We’re dedicated to providing a safe, stable and professional work environment for our employees – apply now to join the Radley Electric team!

Our Foundation

Ernest Radley founded Radley Electric in 1945. His commitment to Christian values, his vision and his hard work are still a part of the company today.

Our Mission

Our goal is to give the best 24-hour oil, commercial and industrial services to Southeast Texas and its surrounding areas.

Radley Electric, Inc. is dedicated to providing a safe, stable and professional work environment for our employees.